I decided that I would dedicate this Confessions to several reflections that I have had about 9/11. Everybody has got something to say about the tragic event that happened almost a decade ago (my god, has it really been that long? It feels like just yesterday!). Some people have held onto the anger and outrage that is a logical by product of having one’s homeland so violently attacked. After all we were all caught off guard. We thought too highly of ourselves to believe that mainland US could ever be compromised. We were complacent and lazy we were very comfortable in our world of satellite TV‘s, microwave ovens and Starbuck’s. Most Americans were oblivious to what was going on the other side of the world. I have heard people ask “Afghanistan? Where’s that?” Well not anymore! We all got a real quick geography lesson that day. But other lessons were taught that day that we as members of this global community still have yet to learn, and that my dearest friends is what I have been reflecting on.
Lesson one: We need to learn to love humanity, all humanity with all its flaws and shortcomings and all of its different points of view. This is the hardest lesson of all. I’m not saying that you must agree with every opinion ever thrown out into the social consciousness. What I am saying is that, we must lovingly give everyone their right to be heard and lovingly we should listen. You don’t have to agree but at least you can listen. You just might hear something worthwhile listening to. There are so many voices crying out in the night that no one listens to, and it is this lack of having one’s cries heard that causes frustration and despair and more dangerously, conflict and retaliation. We as a global community close our ears too many times! We are self absorbed and only have time for our own individual issues. But other’s issues can become our own. We can be caught unaware, just because we didn’t listen. It is an act of love to surrender some of the precious time awarded us to another. So what I am asking you to do is to love your fellow brothers and sisters on this planet and listen to them, in doing this you love yourself also.
Lesson two: We need to learn to love this amazing planet we all share. I have said this so many times, because I know it is falling on deaf ears, and hopefully one of these times, I’ll catch them right after the ear wax has just fallen out! The first responsibility ever given to humanity was to be the keeper of the garden. Well brothers and sisters we suck! We squander Earth’s natural resources. We abuse our environment. We mismanage precious valuable farmland and we disrespect the farmer. We pollute the most important element on this earth, water. Without water none of us can survive. Don’t believe me? Try living on Mars! We have upset the balance of this ecosystem and it is our responsibility to bring it back. And why has all of this happened? Well in part, because we are what we are. We are the top of the food chain. We are the most intelligent beings on this planet (He he he). We are adaptors not adaptees. We are selfish when we should be selfless. Every action that we have ever done to augment the balance of this planet has always ended up hurting our fellow man. Instead of working to improve some of the most pressing issues that affect the increasing population on this planet we are more concerned with whether or not our cell phones can get social networks! As much as you may think you can live in cyberspace, you still need to breathe air, drink water, and eat organics (food!). We should be running to drought stricken areas to help irrigate fields and dig wells instead of running to the mall. We should be looking for viable sustainable clean energy sources instead of spilling thousands of barrels of oil into our sea and not only destroying our water but massacring Earth’s wildlife.
Let’s face it. Starving thirsty people are desperate people. Hungry, thirsty people become one of two things the oppressed or the oppressors either one is sad. When they are oppressed and fight back the world is outraged. When they become the oppressors the world is outraged. Unfortunately, we cannot prevent all of the natural misfortunes that happen. But we can work together as good stewards of the divine gift that has been given to us and speedily work for solutions to the problem. By respecting and loving this great big blue marble we all share we are making this a better place for all to live. Then maybe, just maybe, there will be less oppressors and oppressed.
Lesson three: We need to learn to love our country. “WHAT?” Yes, I heard you just now. But did you hear me? There is a big difference between loving your country and being patriotic. Every American is proud of the Red, White, and Blue. But do you love this country? Are you willing to set aside your own pride and self interests to become a true American? What is a true American? A true American is someone who upholds the true spirit of the bill of rights and the constitution the way our founding fathers intended them to be, not twisting them and manipulating them for our own individual purposes. That means embracing the principle that everyone has the right to free speech and the freedom to worship their God without being oppressed. If you take away the rights of one individual religious group you are taking away your own rights. Our founding fathers intended us to all live in peace side by side with one common goal to be free. But lately, the very reason so many people fled to the new world is happening right here. I am not telling you to convert I’m asking you to live in peace. When violent acts are perpetrated against individual religious groups we are slapping our founding fathers right in the face. What was all their sacrificing for? Every organized religion has a dark side, skeletons in their closet. But when it’s your religion it‘s conveniently forgotten. Instead of forgetting we should be forgiving,…each other. As far as ethnicity goes every successive wave of peoples that has entered this country has been subjected to some sort of prejudice in one form or another. If someone is a legal citizen of this country they have the right to live in peace without being told to go back where they came from. After all, if you are not Native American you are just as much an immigrant! (Oh boy, I just pissed off a lot of people! Oh well!) To love this country you must be a lover of peace and equality. You must champion tolerance and understanding. You must be a builder of bridges not one who tears them down.
Lesson four: We must learn to love our children. But in order to love our children we must first be the best that we can be. That means to take a good look at ourselves and the way we live our lives. Children learn by example. If we harbor hate and prejudice in our hearts so will our children. If we are violent so will our children be. If we are deceitful our children will believe it’s alright to lie. If we abuse our bodies so will our children. If we steal we will be raising a nation of thieves. If we stand by and watch others suffer our children will grow up with cold hearts. If we truly love our children we must all take a good long look in the mirror and if there is anything you don’t like, change it, for the sake of our children.
Lesson five: We must learn to love ourselves. I know that has been so over worked and over played but have you ever really thought about what that means? By no means does it mean staring at yourself in the mirror for hours on end telling yourself how beautiful you are. People will only invest precious time on things that they love. How much time do you invest in you? I not talking about how long it takes to put your makeup on and do your hair. I’m not talking about how many hours you spend at the gym. I talking about how much time do you invest in your spiritual growth? How much time do you invest in self examination? How much time do you invest in giving to others? Are you continuously growing, learning, and expanding your point of view or are you stagnant? Do you settle for the path that has the least resistance instead of stretching yourself to the limit and obtaining true happiness? And do you love? Do you love with everything inside you, unconditionally and completely? You cannot be lovable unless you are a lover.
It seems there has been a lot I have been reflecting on these days, and I have decided that I could use some improvement myself. Life’s lessons are never easy and most times they can be painful to learn. But I’m going to put my best effort into setting my sights on becoming a better me and dedicate it to the memory of all those lost on 9/11. What better way to honor their memory than to make a better world and a better future so this will never happen again.
I bid you Peace and Love
Friday, September 10, 2010
Confessions of a Romance Writer 9/11 For the Love
Posted by Janus Gangi at 5:47 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Monday, August 2, 2010
Confessions of a Romance Writer Lost Love
As an experiment I posted an add asking for online dating stories. To my surprise, I got a lot more than I asked for. It was an absolute no brainer picking this one as the first story in a series that I will present to you from time to time. I am sure you will agree with me, and make sure you read it all the way to the end, because it’s followed by a very important message.
There are all types of love, but the most precious in my opinion is the bittersweet kind. Romantic love keeps your heart pumping and your loins in tune. Unrequited love can be sad but also very motivational. Then there’s lost love, due to a tragedy or separation it builds character and makes us stronger. New love is exciting and old love is secure and reassuring. Selfless love is admirable, and selfish love is destructive. But by far, bittersweet love is a combination of them all, tasting the good and bad of all that life has to offer. Life isn’t fair. If you are naive enough to think that your life will be a joyride get over that quick. When it comes to the affairs of the heart, you will more often test the fires of hell, than bask in the light of heaven. Love is a struggle the hardest and most rewarding struggle of your life! But no matter how you find it hold on tight. Hold on tight my dear friends, hold on tight!
It was 1976 in Istanbul. Now at that time you could only find three kinds of people in Istanbul. Those that wanted to be there, those that didn’t, and those that were there for drugs. The majority of those that didn’t want to be there originally came for the drugs, got caught, and had no choice but to stay, in prison. They really didn’t want to be there. But there was also another group of people that had no choice, they were our service people. Some wanted to be there, some didn’t, and some never wanted to leave. Being in a strange place alone can be very unsettling so when one finds a familiar face, one that reminds them of home, the two tend to gravitate toward each other. In a time of loneliness it is very easy to find comfort in the arms of another, even though you may belong to someone else.
Now Love is a funny thing. It has a mind of its own. It makes its own decisions and its own choices. We have no say over who we will fall in love with; we are helpless under its power. One more thing, Love has a life of its own, you can’t kill it. It can only die a natural death, and sometimes Love never dies.
They were both alone in a foreign city. They both belonged to someone else. And neither of them had the power to fight the inevitable; they fell in love with an intensity so strong it was impossible to resist. With their respective significant others away in Greece and Italy, for a while, in a city founded on a new world order and dedicated to the undying love of a king for his queen, Love had its way and they knew true happiness. But as I have said before, life isn’t fair and the ones who did want to leave had to stay, and those that wanted to stay had to leave. He was called home, back to Virginia. But where there is Love there is Hope.
She followed….. Unannounced
There is a certain magic in the Middle East, after all it is the home of Aladdin. The crowded narrow streets, the smoke shops and the coffee houses gave the city an old world flavor. One cannot help but be overcome by the pungent aromas of fresh herbs at the farmer’s market and the salt sea air as it is bordered by water. Istanbul is the only city that is located on two continents and then there is the Hagia Sophia, once the largest unsupported structural dome in the world, symbolic of the infinity of the cosmos. Once a Christian church it is now a mosque. Its walls are lined with the words from the Holy Quran proclaiming the praises of God. It has withstood numerous earthquakes and is only reinforced by thin bands of iron. The city is full of Byzantine churches with their domes and arches a mixture of Greek, Roman, and Asian ingenuity and their golden icons of the Madonna and child. Their mosaic work is unsurpassed, but the city has one more thing essential in any bittersweet love affair, anonymity. Yes Istanbul is full of history, magic, and anonymity.
But a small town in Virginia, where the local sites include the local chapters of the VFW and the Red Cross, holds no magic, and in a place where everybody knows everybody else, there is no such thing as anonymity. The magic died. The red hot flames of passion that were fanned by the warmth of the Mediterranean Sea breezes gradually cooled down into an ember. The amazing thing about embers is they linger. They hide in the smallest of places. Slowly, gently they burn on with the slightest amount of air to sustain them. Held down by the threat of discovery they enjoyed a few weeks together, but eventually she left, she returned to Milwaukee, and once again the inevitable happened, life went on.
Who knows why we make the choices we do in our lifetime. She left to live her life in Milwaukee the outcome is still a mystery but he tumbled himself right into the world of the wild life and drugs. Wasted years, but all seasons come to an end, thankfully. A new marriage and the reality of fatherhood spotlighted the need for maturity. The boy died and the man stepped up and took his place. With a new family and the future ahead of him he had to make a life’s choice. It was then the blood of his ancestors called and he followed in their footsteps into law enforcement. He became a hostage negotiator and lived.
The Universe is marvelous and wondrous and also merciful. It blesses us with so many precious gifts, free will, opportunity, love, and second chances. When it comes to second chances don’t ever think you won’t get one, as long as you can throw the dice you’ve got another chance. Don’t ever give up!
His second chance came ten years later when the voice on the other end of the phone was hers. He was stationed in Richmond and she was to attend a convention the day after New Years. But opportunity and second chances don’t always work on the same schedule. Shortly after they had made plans to meet he was transferred out of town and had lost her phone number. They never did meet. Maybe it was just bad timing. He has been searching for her for years in vain.
That’s where all you dear friends can do me a big solid. Please post this story on your status and email it to your friends. Let’s help the Universe give them a second chance. It’s time to roll the dice!
Debbie, Rick is searching for you.
You can contact him at stolenmoments.janusgangi@yahoo.com
To be continued…..
Posted by Janus Gangi at 3:24 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Confessions of a Romance Writer 11
There is no better place to reflect on one’s self than in the bathtub. Especially since your distorted image is staring back at you from the bathroom fixture (A distortion that adds improvement in my case!). Looking hard at myself, brought to mind my self image, and the image I wish to project to others. It’s not that I wish to deceive people, as much as I would like to deceive myself. God bless Oil of Olay! When people say “Maybe it’s Maybelline” when it pertains to me, your damn straight! I have studied the laws of Physics and have yet to find a way to overcome them. Gravity - 1, Janus - 0, gravity wins! So don’t be surprised if you find me in the aisle with the push-up bras at Wal-Mart, a girl will take all the help she can get! Yes, I dye my hair, I tried that salt and pepper thing once, and it lasted fifteen minutes. So, when it comes to taking my picture why should I be any different? I don’t see anything wrong in slapping on some makeup and putting on clean clothes before the shutter snaps. I am scary enough when I first wake up, why would I want to inflict that kind of horror on posterity? Then to top it off, I never look the same in any two given pictures, regardless. If you lined up all the pictures you could find of me you would swear they are different people. Even the ones taken minutes apart! Some people were made for the camera. I was not, and so I avoid it at any cost. If my loved ones want to remember me, I tell them to shut their eyes. Memories grow better in time, which works in my favor. Speaking of growing, I have come to the conclusion that my nose has been growing in these past few years. Another reason to insist on just the right angle before someone points that blasted box at me. I brought up all of this because of the topic I wanted to discuss this issue, profile pictures. There are all kinds of articles on the internet that give you the ins and outs, the dos and don’ts of profile pictures. If you want advice you won’t get it here, go look up those sites. This is strictly my observations.
This morning there was a question posted on the stream of one of my sites it simply asked “Why do people post pictures on their profile that make them look ten years younger than they are?” We are all social creatures, but we are also insecure creatures as well, and many people are just not comfortable with their own appearance. I can understand that I have never liked my looks. But as I take a gander at this World Wide Web and the various social networking sites I have, I have made one more observation. Some people are not satisfied just to post a picture of their younger selves they post unrealistic images that cause one to wonder just what are they hiding? The most popular is the beefsteak bodybuilder with his head cut off so all you see is a pair of pecks and nipples. OK I guess, if you are into Ichabod Crane, after all, headless Casanovas went out at the end of the French Revolution. Then there are those that are trying to make a statement although some statements are vaguer than others. Take for instance, the numerous pictures of cars. Are they telling you they have one? Well good for them! I have one too, it’s sitting in my parking lot dead, but I have one! Then there are the countless motorcycles, the next time I go on a date I’ll see if the Harley wants to go Dutch. Some are just symbolic, I can understand those. If one has an animal nickname I can see posting a wolf or eagle but what’s up with the pig? For myself I have two profile pictures both were taken minutes apart yet I look totally different in them. Different lighting and different cameras but they are still only a few months old. Oh well, to each his own! My next profile picture I am planning to do full body, so don’t be surprised when you see me at Wal-Mart in the girdle section!
Blessed Be
Posted by Janus Gangi at 2:06 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Friday, May 21, 2010
Confessions of a Romance Writer 10
Eureka! I found men! Oodles and oodles of men. Fat ones, skinny ones, sexy ones…. OMG I struck it rich! Where has this site been all my life! The site is called myYearbook and it is filled with yummy men. A girl could get carried away. Oh, to the hell with it! I’m getting carried away! And the best part about it is, it’s free! You heard me, no membership fees! You have got to check this site out, you will not be sorry. But I warn you, you better down a couple of energy drinks before you hit the keyboard. It is very fast paced, with tons of activities to help you find the man or woman of your dreams. And I think you have a very good shot of it here. The people who developed this site are genius’. It’s a sexy, savvy version of facebook.
What’s more I found Wiccan men, juicy, luscious Pagan men, oh boy, am I gonna have fun! Watch out boys, there’s a witch on the prowl! All those tasty morsels, it’s a smorgasbord! The developers have this ingenious game called blind date that matches people and gets them to check out each others profiles that’s half the battle, then you can take it from there. Although, I will add a word of caution here, you should always use your best judgment when dealing with any kind of online dating and even though the developers do their best to help to keep you safe, your ultimate safety is your responsibility. Never rush into meeting someone just because they give you a smooth line. But with a mature perspective you can have a blast!
I haven’t mastered all the ins and outs of the site yet, there are so many to explore, but one of the features is that people can bid on owning your picture and it can get pretty intense and it is also very flattering. The other day I found myself riveted while two men battled it out over me. Go figure! I have received numerous emails and some were very sweet. There is a feature incorporated into the message system if you need to report abuse and you can always remove someone from your friends list, although the potential is there I have not encountered such a problem.
You can send each other cute savvy, sexy flirts and gold stars and high fives in all the site is designed to get you to meet people and have the most pleasant experience you can. You can also give gifts and stickers. All purchased with lunch money you earn by playing the games. And then there is your popularity rating. It starts out high and then it’s up to you to keep it up. All in all I think you will enjoy it I do.
Now enough of being the nice witch, it’s time to go hunting!
Until next time Blessed Be
Posted by Janus Gangi at 4:12 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Confessions of a ROmance Writer 9
This one’s for all the single mother’s.
Well another Mother’s Day has come and gone. I spent my day alone for the most part. Well, alone is not really the right terminology. You see, my children are all grown and have their own respective families and obligations to their extended families. They spend the day running. I prefer to stay home and relax, after all, that’s really what the day is all about. But alone, I am never alone. I am a priestess of the Most high God of this Universe, He is always with me walking with me, talking to me. I am also a witch, and with that I also practice a form of meditation called astral-projection. I usually spend mother’s day with my grandmother Assunta. She crossed over about twenty years ago, but I still glean her wisdom to this day. She was an Italian witch when it was not safe to admit who you really were. She grew up in the back hills of Palermo, in a town called Gangi. There she learned life’s lessons and the craft. My grandmother is a very wise woman and I always enjoy sitting at her feet and taking her council. As we walked through the Summerlands this year she laid it upon my heart the importance of motherhood and about a aspect of it that is not always appreciated. She spoke to me about all the single mothers in the world today, something that was a rarity when she was young. Women stayed with their men back then regardless of their treatment. It was unheard of for a woman to be independent unless she was a widow. My grandmother knew this all too well, she had fourteen children and my grandfather was a womanizing, abusive drunk. But she stayed lived on a farm in rural Massachusetts and didn’t even enter a grocery store until she moved to New York City. It was when she moved to the city that she encountered single mothers for the first time and at first it perplexed her, and then it marveled her. The tenacity of these women, who by then it was the early fifties, seemed to defy all traditions and social norms. By the late sixties and early seventies It was considered epidemic, as a new sexuality and an increasing amount of men shirking their responsibilities took the forefront. But now, it is for the most part a personal decision, but there are still too many men who don’t step up and do the right thing.
Single mothers have a very hard life. Although most will say the do fine alone, the challenges that they meet on a day to day basis would be easier with a significant other. Romance for the most part, is not the most prevalent thing in their lives. The pendulum as we are very aware swings both ways. Either she is faced with the decision to step up and have a social life, that sometimes can get out of hand or she sacrifices all and then is pitied. Whichever the case may be, romance is essential in ones life and a single mother has to meet many challenges to obtain that lofty goal. But they need romance in their lives. Every woman needs romance in her life. And so, I come to the lesson my grandmother so wisely chose to teach me this year, and that is to admire and appreciate all the single mothers on this Mothers Day. My hat’s off to them and I want to thank them for putting up the good fight. I want to thank them for their devotion to their children and stepping up and being two parents instead of one. And my greatest wish would be for them to have true romance in their lives and that all those reading this will help to bring that to fruition. Single moms need the love and support of their families and friends and a babysitter now and then. To all I hope you had a blessed Mother’s Day until next time
Blessed Be!
Posted by Janus Gangi at 8:41 AM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Confessions of a Romance Writer 8
Have you ever thought about those voyeuristic questions that are found right under social network feeds?
I go into my email and there is the question, “What are you doing right now?” And then there is the standard “Tell me what’s on your mind.” It kind of reminds me of a phone call I got once. A very sultry voice asked me, “What are you wearing?” To that I replied, Dominick, is that you?
There are just some things in this lifetime that I was not cut out to deal with, and anything that has to do with a computer or the internet falls right into that category. But, life is a bitch, and I have five websites sooooo dealing with the cyber-world is a necessity. I have contemplated finding a time machine and returning to the stone age. Life was so simple back then. One didn’t have to get pissed off when there was a power outage and all of one’s work was just lost. After all, how often did a campfire go out from a gust of wind. These days one good gust and the pole sways, the transformer blows and instant darkness. Of coarse, this only happens when there’s not one damn candle in the house. If I had a stockpile, I wouldn’t feel the slightest breeze.
Another thing I just can’t seem to get a grip on are those games on Facebook and MySpace. Oh, I have tried. But I just end up with dead crops, starving fish, and my cat Ipswitch has fleas. I try to be a good neighbor and return all the gift requests but there are so many that I have received the game won’t let me receive anymore, until I deal with the ones I have. Only I can’t figure out how to open them, let alone find them. They are somewhere in that cyber world waiting in a great big pile yearning for my attention. They better not hold their breath. All I can say to all my friends is…. I’ll send you gifts PLEASE don’t send me any. I promise I won’t forget you! But please, don’t offended. I can’t seem to load pictures onto my laptop either. Simple mundane tasks are just beyond me. I have Photo Shop but can’t seem to figure out how it works. So, pictures are very rare in our family and if by chance you get one from me treasure it.
So, I decided to take the plunge and join Plenty-O- F---, you get it right? Filling out the first part of the registration was no problem. I can spell my name and I do remember my address. Then I got to the description part. You know, the about me block. The tell us all your deepest desires in a mate part. Mine is simple… male. The instructions say list all of your attributes and interests, the more the better the chance is of receiving replies. And that got me thinking about all the things I shouldn’t put in my description such as:
I have two left feet, when I was a little girl I went to dancing school. Whenever the music would start the instructor would walk over to me and sit me back down. It was that, or a pile of little girls in tutu’s in the middle of the dance floor.
I’m not that great in sports. If you throw a ball at me, chances are I will close my eyes and the ball will be lost forever.
If I’m reading I can’t hear you. You can be standing right over me banging on a drum and you will not get a response. Everybody knows this, so why do they still get mad at me?
I am not listening to everyone’s conversation. In fact, most of the time I am not very interested in what other people have to say. So, I can’t understand why my family gets annoyed when I say the two most used words in my vocabulary. What? Who?
My kids call me book smart and street stupid. ?????????????
So I talk to the turtle.
No, I do not believe in little green men. Yes, I do believe in ghosts.
And when all is said and done, if you are angry with me don’t be surprised if I’m smiling.
Now What should I write in my description?
Posted by Janus Gangi at 9:33 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Saturday, April 10, 2010
confessions of a romance writer 6
So, I have decided to become a cougar. The problem is that the male population of East Tennessee doesn’t agree with me. So, I guess I’ll just have to depend on Karma and the dating service. I have also decided to make an effort to go out more, be seen, mingle and be more outgoing. At least it sounds good in theory. With that in mind, tonight I’m going to midnight bowling (wanna take bets how long it takes me to fall on my ass!). I know that it’s suppose to be family night, but there must be some single men there. That’s why I bought a new outfit, and it’s not all black…. it’s black and white. I don’t just wear black. I wear grey, and brown too! But I’m beginning to receive a lot of flack from the minions. That’s why I added white to my wardrobe.
So, I’m all ready for my big night out. Going bowling. Going gorgeous. Going black and white. Going to get noticed. Going to get a man. Going to get sick! The other day I spent hours in the beauty parlor getting my hair and nails done. Then, I invested in new make up (Age defying make up my ass, I just got a minute older!). This is getting expensive! Now bowling, I even have to rent shoes! Plus the cost of my new duds! I’m not settling for anyone less than Prince Charming.
My son got a love letter the other day. It was from a girl he knew in high school. He hadn’t a clue who she was. At first he was flattered and then he was worried and then he got curious. It became his life’s goal to find out who this girl was. She told him she thought he was sexy and that she even had a tattoo that he inspired her to get. She wrote that she was ready to fry like bacon. Ok, I’m not going to go there. I wonder if I should be ready too! Never mind. My son has become an amateur Sherlock Holmes. He showed real initiative finding out all the info he could find about this girl. So, now my son will get more action than me. What else is new. So tonight is my night, gonna do a little scoping, a little smiling, and a lot of flirting.
We got to the bowling alley late. The first indication that my expectations were way too high was the empty parking lot. But ,I’m a firm believer of carpooling. So I wasn’t discouraged. The huge sign that hung over the doorway was encouraging. Moonlight Bowling! Beer served. That’s enough for me! The first bad sign was when we opened the door there was no music. Then the next sound I heard was that of a bowling ball striking pins. Two lanes occupied on each end and all the others empty! Greeneville, Tennessee is a city of Amazons don’t let anyone tell you different. There was not one man there. Except for the guy behind the counter. Oh well, let’s bowl!
Now let me remind you it took six weeks to write Stolen Moments, it took another three months of constant social networking and working with the publisher to get the book published. That’s almost six months of constantly sitting down and exercising only my fingers. I’m out of shape! Although none of this occurred to me as I approached the line, and let go of my first ball. Then it happened, every muscle that had laid dormant for the last half of a year screamed in agony. If I lift my shoulder my hip hurts. If I move too fast my head hurts, if I take a forward step my butt hurts. I don’t think there is one part of my body is that isn’t calling me a fool right now. But I persevered I bowled until three in the morning. A feat that has me surprised and proud at the same time. Well I didn’t come home alone. I brought with me every ache and pain of a well deserved night out. And you know what? I had fun, I laughed and enjoyed my friends company and without a man in sight. Maybe finding a man is too overrated.
Oh to hell with it, I start looking again tomorrow.
Wish me luck!
Posted by Janus Gangi at 12:13 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
So, remind me again why I’m not supposed to go shopping with my daughter Jessica, especially when she wears spandex! Oh, that’s right, she’s drop dead gorgeous and twenty years younger!. I really shouldn’t be so surprised, after all, Jessica has been known to cause traffic accidents. I created a monster. The whole time she was growing up, I would ask her “Whose gorgeous?” She would look up at me with her ebony eyes and say “Me!” Then she’d melt your heart with her perfect smile. Yes, Jessie grew up knowing she was beautiful and she used it to her advantage. There were two certain things in our old neighborhood, the first was, that there was not a boy for miles that didn’t want to go out with Jessica, and she had a certain notoriety in the surrounding neighborhoods. Mind you, it was not an easy feat to become Jessie’s beau. She was given a nick name that stuck pretty much throughout her life. When the boys saw her coming, they would look at each other and say “Cha-Ching!” You got it, high matinance. That’s why I nearly fell to the floor when she married for love. Not that she doesn’t try to squeeze in some frivolous purchases now and then, but the finances are just not there. She has four growing boys. That’s when she turns to dear old mom to get that cute little outfit, or that new pair of shoes. But I don’t mind, she wears them well. Although Jessica, can make a dollar store ensemble look like it just stepped off a runway, she usually sticks to Walmart.
We had some running around to do and the weather is getting pretty hot here, so the first stop is for cold drinks. As we stood on line a rather good looking man my age walks over and gives me a sauntering sexy smile. Well maybe the day will turn out good after all. Jessica had stepped away and when she returned he looked at her and said “Are you two sisters?” Oh dear Goddess! I’ve heard that before. All it took was one small smile, and any chance I had was blown clear out the front door. “Oh,” she said sweetly, ‘that’s not my sister, that’s my mother, she’s not married, are you married?” As his eyes were glued to her he said “You have a very pretty mother.” just with whom was he trying to score brownie points? By now it was obvious there was no turning back, Jessica had won him over, she had the right intentions but, once again, I struck out. This is getting to be a habit.
I fair far much better when she’s not around, at least I have a fighting chance. I can hold my own ground. And since I put my picture on the dating website, I have a renewed faith in myself. I have gotten some pretty interesting offers, and some that I deleted immediately! I get a wide range of suitors from farmers to educators and everything in between. I had been communicating with a rather good looking engineer. He was just full of compliments, this was turning out to be a wonderful evening. He looked at me and said “You have beautiful eyes.” (not bad). The he said, “I’m the romantic type, I just love to cuddle.” (oh boy!)
Then he gazed into my eyes and said, “You know, you have just met the love of your life.” (alright I know it’s a line, but, KEEP THEM COMING!). This one shows promise. Then he preceded to tell me about the four other women he’s dating! I make #5.… JERK! …I knew it was too good to be true. I forgot to ask him if he was Mormon.
I’m not giving up! There is a man out there for me, I just know it! I just have to keep looking, and not go shopping with Jessica! You can purchase Stolen Moments at http://www.xlibris.com/JanusGangi.htm
Posted by Janus Gangi at 5:49 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Let's face it, modern technology can catch even the most savvy of us off guard. Here I am typing and writing away when I get an email to join someone on messenger. OK, not bad I'll chat for a while I have been working all day, and I can use some human contact. Mind you, I look rough, big glasses (I'm blind without them!) I have been babysitting, so fashion has not been my main concern, besides the good thing about chatting is you can do it in your PJ's and no one will ever know. Wrong! This great big box appears on the screen and before I can duck there is a web cam with a man staring at me! Oh Great Goddess! I look like hell, well there goes this one! I contemplated hitting the deck, but just as I was about to disappear I heard his voice! He not only could see me in all my grunge, he could hear me too! There is something just so wrong about that. All the mystery is gone. How is a woman suppose to create a mystique if a guy can see her with her hair sticking up and giant glasses.
I take great pride in my appearance before I leave the house. Only my closest neighbors have ever seen me in my everyday casual grunge. Reentering the dating scene was not a decision I took lightly. I had to consciously plan on increasing my wardrobe, my cosmetic supplies and get a hold of the nearest Avon rep and get more wrinkle reducer! My computer doesn't complain when my lipstick wears out or I scratch my butt, but there is a certain air that must be maintained if one is to land the perfect catch!
My computer doesn't care if my clothes don't match or if I don't have any makeup on. At least that was the way it used to be. But now it's a whole new ball game. Now I'm going to have to drag myself into then bathroom early in the morning (I'm not a morning person) and put on my face. Who knows when that damn messenger will go off! This is intimidating!
I remember taking my time getting ready for a date. Poring over my wardrobe, parading before the mirror and experimenting with every shade of lipstick until just the right shade was found. My grand entrance into the living room was nothing short of military precision. A certain ahhh value made the night more successful. But how much of an ahh value do you get when you look like you just cleaned the bathroom? But it's my own fault for not being more computer literate. I didn't even know there was a damn camera on my computer to begin with, yet alone, know I was having a guest this late at night. Surprise!!! The days of scratching my butt is over or is it? I guess I can just decline the next time that little buzzer goes off on the messenger! Now before I go and post this, I better go fix my makeup!
Posted by Janus Gangi at 12:18 AM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Confessions of a Romance Writer 3
It appears I have gotten myself into a pickle. I have accepted a date! And now, I would like to go hide in the closet. What was I thinking? It was a lot better when I yearned for one, but now that I have one, well I’m scared to death! Although I really don’t see much of anything coming out of this besides a free meal. I spoke to him on the phone, he seemed like a nice person. But I probably won’t fit in well with his lifestyle. If I haven’t mentioned this before, I’m a witch. Yes, you read right, a witch. Some people call us Wiccan but I don’t exactly fit into that niche. About two years ago, I came out of the, shall we say, “Broom Closet.” I no longer hide what I am, and I tend to sway toward a more gothic style. Got the picture. Well try painting that over the phone, gently, and then there are the tattoos!
When he called me the first thing I did was declare my lifestyle. Better to get it out in the open, that way if they want to run away screaming they have a good five minuets to figure out how to get out of the conversation. But this juicy tidbit of information didn’t phase him. Well, score one for me! I think. Now all I have to do is make it through one meal. Oh Goddess, help me! After all how scary can one date be? After all something’s got to give. Every morning I watch this little terrier come trotting up to our patio doors. He’s here for my little Boston Terrier, Khet-Khet (it means dog in middle Egyptian). Even the dog gets more action than I do! But I ’m going to be brave, I’m going get all dressed up in black (he, he) and go out to dinner. And if the man survives more than one hour with me there’s hope for me yet!
I uploaded my picture on the dating website this week. I got twenty five hits in one day and one man emailed me four times!!! That’s encouraging. Except they all lived in other states and they were all ten years older than me. That’s discouraging. But I am convinced Mr. Right is out there just waiting to sweep me off my feet and carry me away. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Oh to be twenty again! That’s not gonna happen! So I guess I am resigned to accept myself at my present age, 100. At least that’s how I feel every time I look at that picture! Maybe that’s why I keep getting older men, maybe they just don’t have their glasses on.
So, here I go. A nice long bubble bath and then to find just the right thing to wear. Something low cut long and mysterious. Yes that’s it, low, long, and sexy. I think I might have a handle on this dating thing. A nice meal and small talk. I’m beginning to look forward to this! Maybe I should read the paper, this way I have something to talk about. Dark, mysterious, and smart, I am confident, and ready to take on the world! Oh Shit! The doorbell!
Posted by Janus Gangi at 2:57 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Monday, March 29, 2010
Star City Meltdown
Exiting News!

Star City meltdown has agreed to allow their single Veronica to be the theme song for Veronica Eisine, the witch you love to hate, from the Stolen Moments Book Series. This means you will be able to hear Veronica on Veronica Eisine’s Facebook page and on the Stolen Moments Book Series Official website there will also be links to their their own websites there. I urge you to come take a listen to their music and support them. I realy like their music and they’re adorable too!!!!
Thanks Guys!!!!!!

Posted by Janus Gangi at 3:16 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Saturday, March 20, 2010
It’s Friday! It’s Friday! All week long we looked forward to today. It’s ladies night, free admission, free, beer, the best we could hope for especially since we’re all broke. After all, we might get LUCKY! After all the dating scene has been quite dry for all of us, except Jessie. But even Jessie has resorted to skimming Face Book for some hot prospects. The other day she found Adonis in South Dakota. I had my head in the computer when I received a friend suggestion. I clicked on the message there before my eyes was a beautiful man. Jessie had sent me the suggestion. I im’ed her “Who is he, he is beautiful?” She typed back “I don’t know but I have first dibbs!” I replied, “Too late we’ve already eloped!” “Nooooo!” Desperate women do desperate things, we both sent a friends requests. Wishful thinking!
I find myself looking more carefully at the profiles forwarded by the dating service I belong to these days. I get a kick out of the names these men choose for themselves. How many women are really going to jump at the prospect of meeting HTSTD50. It’s a contradiction of terms. But honestly, the dating scene is so different these days. I saw an advertisement for a dating service for adults 45 an up. The byline was Senior Singles. Since when are you a Senior at 45? When I think of a Senior, I think of my 84 yr old mother. Anyone who can put a good shitter on the night before, and wake up with the hangover from hell is NOT a Senior! So what it lasts until late in the afternoon, and sometimes the next day! We just drink more mature drinks these days!
It is an absolute killer going out with my girls. Besides the fact that they are both drop dead gorgeous, they moan and groan like old ladies. At least I keep my aches and pains to myself! They ask me where I was ten years ago when they were clubbing three and four times a week? I was married, they were there, don’t they remember? I thought I saw them pass me in the hall, on occasion. So now their mother’s new single status has them perplexed. They question where there this new found energy I have acquired has come from. Desperate women will resort to desperate measures!
But honestly, how much of a chance do I have when every man that comes over to the table thinks they have a chance at a night of hot romance with one of them? I prefer to sit alone. Every so often, they drag me out to the dance floor, I just don’t go that low anymore! But I still can hold my drinks better than them. At least I don’t walk into pillars, or land on my ass on the dance floor, I have too much dignity. I wait until I get out in the parking lot, then I land on my ass.
At least I get a lot of material for my writing. There must be thousands of pick up lines created by some lost soul sitting in his living room feverishly typing out the list and posting them on the net. Some of them are quite creative. I have heard them all. Not directed at me mind you, toward my daughters. I prefer to sit alone. I just can’t compete with them. Just when I think I’ve got a shot, and a good looking man sits down to talk with me my hopes come crashing down, he’s gay! We end up comparing notes, how depressing! At least, I’ve got a better rack than him!
But it’s Friday morning, all week I’ve been thinking about getting out of this house. Chances are I’ll go home alone as always, but we are such social animals and social interaction is good for the soul. Prospects look good right now, so everything is a go! Later on I’ll take a nice long bubble bath and find something low cut to show off my attributes. We’ll all pile into the car and head off for a night of free beer and Karaoke. And if you happen to be a really good looking man and you join me at my table and your gay, keep it to yourself, a girl can only hope!
Posted by Janus Gangi at 9:22 AM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Monday, March 15, 2010
New online romance soap opera
Stolen Moments is launching a new online romance soap opera! Come and join Elizabeth, Vincent and all the agents of Providence as they live, love and fight for the balance of the Universe. To get daily updates go to the links and become fans of the page. Throughout the day you will receive updates into their lives or just go to the page and catch up at one time.
Posted by Janus Gangi at 11:32 AM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Facebook Character pages
Stolen Moments now has character pages on Faceook. Come foloow the lives of your favorite characters and become fans of their pages to recieve daily updates on your Facebook homepage!
Posted by Janus Gangi at 5:16 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Friday, March 12, 2010
Rune for the Day
Rune for the Day.
Uruz : aurochs
Divinatory Meanings:
Energy, passion, vitality, instinct, wildness, sexuality, fertility, the unconscious, primitive mind,
irrationality, shamanic experience, rite of passage
Magickal Uses:
to strengthen the will, increase sexual potency and energy; for hunting
Posted by Janus Gangi at 5:16 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Rune for the day
Rune for the Day.
Isa : ice
Divinatory Meanings:
Inactivity, blockage, stagnation, potential, patience, reflection, withdrawal, rest
Magickal Uses:
To stop a process; to represent primal form
Posted by Janus Gangi at 10:02 AM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Another peek!!!
Stolen Wine
Sehkmet was running for her life. The sand was fl ying out, from the bottom
of her sandals. There was a huge Libyan, on her heels, shooting arrows, from his
horse, as he chased her. After leaving the oasis, she ran through the wall, down the
narrow streets, past the mud brick houses. She could hear the horse, right behind
her. His head was shaved on one side, and there was a long, ponytail hanging down
on the other side. His vest had only one sleeve, and he was wearing leather pants. The
high-pitched whistle of the speeding arrows was getting closer. Skillfully, she dodged
the arrows, and cut sharply around corners. She was headed for the Temple. In the
distance, she could see the Temple wall.
“Isis, help me.” She cried aloud.
She had a sudden burst of energy, and she picked up speed. Two women
carrying papyruses had just opened the Temple gates, they stepped out of the
way, and Sehkmet sped right past them.
“Lock the gate!” She screamed.
The two women swung the huge wooden doors closed, and slipped the bolt.
Sehkmet stopped against one of the buildings, leaned on the wall, and slid down
to the ground. She was panting. One of the women ran to get the High Priest.
Vincent ran out from the Temple, and over to Sehkmet.
“What happen?” He asked her with panic in his voice. She still hadn’t caught
her breath. A woman brought her over a cup of water. She drank it down quickly
and handed the cup back.
“Thank you,” she said breathlessly. Her chest rose up and down, as she tried
to take deep breaths, the hot, dry air hurt her lungs. The air is better closer to the
river, she thought to herself. Vincent knelt down on the sand and grabbed her
shoulders. Her white linen dress was saturated in sweat and her skin was clammy.
Her head burned under her wig and her lips were dry.
“Elizabeth, what happened?” He spoke through his teeth.
She licked her lips. “I was on my way to the other side of the Fayum, to get
some more Temple wine. There was a band of Libyans raiding the winery. I didn’t
see them, until I got to the winery wall. By then, it was too late. Their leader
took a liking to me, and sent one of his men, to get me. I ran all the way back
here.” A low growl escaped from Vincent’s chest. He gathered her up into his
arms, and lifted her.
“Let’s get you home.” He placed his arm around her, and helped her walk.
Their mud brick house was on the other side, of the courtyard, behind the house
of a million years.
He brought her back to their home it was a simple mud brick building. There
were two major rooms and a third on the roof. Inside the house, there was a large
common room with a pit in the center and a hole in the roof above it. The back
room was designated for sleep but on hot summer nights, sleeping on the roof was
more comfortable. Along the southern wall there was a pit dug into the ground that
held grain, wine and water. The cool earth acted as a natural refrigerator. Some
cooking was done inside the house but the majority of the meal preparation was
done in the front of the house. There was a small alter in the house to honor the
Goddess. Every day Sehkmet replaced the bread and beer offering for the Goddess.
Once the Goddess received her share, Elizabeth and Vincent had an abundance
of everything they needed. Sehkmet and Vincent’s day started early. They would
rise early and tend to Horus. In the sun, they would place their offerings and tend
to the Gods Temple. There were the daybooks to record the Gods wealth. The
Gods fi elds had to be managed. The Temple slaves had to be instructed and the
Temple had to be cleaned from top to bottom. The supplicants had to be tended
to and dreams interpreted. Vincent and Sehkmet had a very busy day. The nights
were theirs. Their union was blessed by the Goddess.
Vincent brought Sehkmet into the bedroom and she lay down. He lay down
next to her and wrapped his arms around her.
“You look so pale,” he said concerned.
“I just feel a little tiered. I just need to rest.”
“Then why don’t you rest, then I’ll fi nish up at the Temple, and then come
straight back.”
“You are so good to me.”
Vincent returned when the sun went down, he found Sehkmet fast asleep.
He prepared some cakes and beer he also brought some meat from today’s
sacrifi ce. When Sehkmet woke up, he had food prepared for her. The meal
smelled delicious. Sehkmet took one bite put her hand over her mouth and
ran outside. She returned looking green. She walked past the food holding her
“Sehkmet what’s wrong? You’ve never been sick before.”
“I think the heat got to me,” she said lying back down. “I’ll be better
Morning came fast; Sehkmet rose, and got ready for the days work at the
Temple. Sehkmet made her way down to the town to the open market. The
traders from the western wadi caravan were due in with goods from the south.
A Nubian woman was at the market, stopped her, and offered her idol. It was a
statue of Taweret, the hippo goddess, patron of pregnant women. “Oh Goddess,
have you blessed us?”
“The Goddess wanted you to know that she is pleased with your devotion to
her. Go tell Vincent he will have a Crown Prince.” Archie was gone in a fl ash.
Sehkmet looked at the statue. Sehkmet left and went straight to the Temple.
She found Vincent registering the day’s offerings. She stood in the doorway and
smiled at him. He smiled back. She didn’t leave. He put down the quill, and
reached out his arms to her. She crossed over and sat on his lap. She placed the
statue in his hand and smiled.
His eyes grew wide, he placed his hand on her stomach, and she smiled.
“Archie paid me a visit.” She said with her eyes down. She lifted her eyes to
“We have been blessed with a Crown Prince.”
Vincent’s face was covered with a glorious smile. He kissed Sehkmet long
and passionately.
Posted by Janus Gangi at 10:07 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Rune for the day
Rune for the Day.
Mannaz : man, humankind
Divinatory Meanings:
Significator, self, family, community, relationships, social concerns
Magickal Uses:
Posted by Janus Gangi at 10:48 AM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Monday, March 8, 2010
Rune for the day
Rune for the Day.
Ehwaz : horse
Divinatory Meanings:
Transportation, motion, assistance, energy, power, communication, will, recklessness
Magickal Uses:
Power, aiding in communication, transportation; to 'send' a spell
Posted by Janus Gangi at 2:49 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
It’s snowing again!!!! Once again I sit at my keyboard ready to fill the world with romantic illusions, I could use a good illusion myself. Where do the romance writers go to get a good fix? Recently I have been thrust back out into the dating world, what a tragedy. Every writer goes through a dry spell, mine usually last a few days. Most writers are influenced by the circumstances that surround them. So here I sit, surrounded by five screaming boys, who are home, once again, because it’s snowing out. The living room is a battleground, full of toys and wet clothes. The refrigerator will be empty by noon, and at least three major fights will incur over the Wii.
On a whim, I joined a dating service. Oh, the perils of opening yourself up to desperate men! The catch phrase for the year must be soulmate. In the past few days, I have gotten hundreds of hits by men all looking for their soulmate! Seems there’s a lot of soul searching out there. I am convinced the majority of hits must be computer generated. I find that doing mindless activities clears my mind and frees me from writers block. What better place to get some inspiration than from several dozen flirts posted in your inbox? I guess that would work, if I wasn’t being hit in the head with a dirty sock or subjected to yet another fart contest by the ten year olds, and I have several ten year old grandsons. Romance was good that year, a least for my children. But alas, it’s snowing again and school’s out again.
When I was growing up, the only thing that would have closed school, would have been an atomic blast. How I long for the good old days! Subjecting adults to summer vacation is quite enough quality time with the little hellions! I get some of my greatest inspiration of sheer evil by watching the boys share or shall I say not share. But still, there are some tender moments I have locked away in my heart for future reference.
But back to the quire of the day. Where does a romance writer go to get some inspiration? I guess I could read a fellow author’s work, but that might border on plagiarism. I could watch a real syrupy comedy romance or even hang out at the card section of Walmart and read some sweetheart greeting cards (that really doesn’t work). I am always open to suggestions. What I think I need is a real good love affair. But I have a bad reputation. Most men when they find out I write romance novels wiggle their eyebrows and smile sultry at me and say, “So, would you like some new material for your book?” Everybody’s a Don Juan! I’ve tried to look at my predicament from a subjective point of view. After all, I do write some pretty steamy material and most men, at one time or another, think with what’s in their pants. Yesterday, I was convinced I would just write off men all together, maybe I would have more luck with a monkey (my girlfriend told me if I find a good one to see if he’s got a brother). Who’s the desperate one now? So here I am, a romance writer looking for romance, go figure! Fortunately, all dry spells come to an end.
Posted by Janus Gangi at 12:56 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Monday, March 1, 2010
Rune for the Day.
ðagaz : day
Divinatory Meanings:
happiness, success, activity, a fulfilling lifestyle, satisfaction
Magickal Uses:
to bring a positive outcome
Posted by Janus Gangi at 10:53 AM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Sneek Peek!!!!!!
Stolen Glances
Moving quickly through the airport was not a problem. After departing
from the plane, it was a straight run from that gate to the departing gate of fl ight
427. Flanked on both sides by her escorts, she could see the crowd of fans and
paparazzi waiting for the plane’s passengers to emerge from the gate exit into the
terminal. Waiting family members and friends of the not so important were held
behind a rope, by the airport security. The gate was in clear view. He would be
accompanied by bodyguards, in the event a crazed fan would want more than a
smile and a wave.
Airport security heightened since 911, gave a false sense of security, which
weapons and suspicious characters were under check. None of them could
possibly have a chance against the coming attack. The coming onslaught was
from a world that shouldn’t exist, a world of Magick and fairy tales. The coming
threat counted on that.
The cards confi rmed it, and the visions laid out the attack. There was nothing
left to do, except to place herself in the direct line of fi re, and countermine
the attack with a protection spell. Her long black cloak and her obviously large
companions drew no attention. She simply blended in, as if invisible, with the
many travelers from the different places of the planet. Her strange clothing could
be no more than ethnic.
She arrived just in time. The fl ashing cameras and screaming fans announced
his arrival; he raised his hands and smiled. As he stepped out of the gate, she
strategically placed herself between him and the large dark Shadows that
emerged from the crowd. There was an electric charge through the crowd, as
his beautiful face shone in appreciation. No one else was aware of her presence
except him. At fi rst, she was no more that just another fan, but as she turned
her back to him, his curiosity was peeked. She removed her elbow length gloves
to reveal the mystic symbols that adorned her arms and hands. She raised them
and quietly began to chant the spell, just as the fi rst pulsating wave of the attack
rippled through the air.
Nut and Geb
We call three
One time Neith
Protection be
Two-time Jupiter
Give us power
Three time blue moon
In this hour
Her companions transformed into wolves, and lunged forward with fi erce
growls as the scent of the attackers fi lled the room. An energy pulse was unleashed
from the raised hands of the two dark Shadows in the far end of the terminal.
They were in pursuit, of the now terror-stricken attackers, who realized their
destruction was eminent.
He raised his eyes just in time to witness, what the rest of the crowd was blind to
see. However, how could he see the attack? Was there more behind those ice blue eyes
than just sparkle? Once the pulse decimated, she lowered her hood and turned to
see if he was all right. It was then, that he saw her. She was the most beautiful woman
he had ever seen. His eyes were locked, as she glanced at him, and then turned and
walked away. It was too late for him. He had become a prisoner to her beauty.
Copyright © 2010 by Janus Gangi.
To order additional copies of this book, contact:
Xlibris Corporation
Posted by Janus Gangi at 11:43 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Rune for the day
Rune for the Day.
Sowulo : sun
Divinatory Meanings:
Success, positive energy, increase, power, activity, fertility, health
Magickal Uses:
Energy, strength, success, healing, fertility
Posted by Janus Gangi at 7:33 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Monday, February 22, 2010
Stolen Moments has joined Wiccan Together!
I have created my own page, but you will be able to
find good reliable info about Wicca there.
Posted by Janus Gangi at 7:12 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Rune dor the day
Ansuz : Odin
Divinatory Meanings:
Authority figure, leader, mind & body balance, justice, shaman, clairvoyant
Magickal Uses:
For wise decisions, success, leadership; to help in divination and magic
Posted by Janus Gangi at 6:20 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Lady So Divine Video by Shinedown - MySpace Video
Posted by Janus Gangi at 2:46 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Shinedown - Save Me Video by ERIC - MySpace Video
Posted by Janus Gangi at 2:38 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Rune for the Day.
Hagalaz : hail
Divinatory Meanings:
Sudden loss, ordeal, destruction, disaster, clearance, testing, karmic lesson, drastic change.
Magickal Uses:
Removing unwanted influences, breaking destructive patterns
Posted by Janus Gangi at 6:13 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Rune for the day
Rune for the Day.
Algiz : protection
Divinatory Meanings:
Protection, assistance, defense, warning, support, a mentor, an ethical dilemma
Magickal Uses:
For protection, hunting
Posted by Janus Gangi at 1:57 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Friday, February 19, 2010
White Magick update
Now that Stolen Moments is at the galleys, it’s time to start filling you in on White Magick, the next book in the Stolen Moments Book Series. Whereas Stolen Moments was the introduction to the series main characters and an overview of the world of Providence. White Magick has a more intricate story line and makes Stolen Moments look tame. White Magick addresses the controversial topic of drug abuse in today’s society and how it is viewed within the different realms of Providence. There are some scenes that may be disturbing to a younger audience and so that is why the entire book series is considered adult content. For those Elizabeth and Vincent fans you’ll still get enough romance but don’t be surprised if you need a cold shower afterward. The introduction to new characters keep the book interesting, and a deeper look into the psyche of Veronica Eisine, our black witch we love to hate, promise to keep the series interesting and appealing enough to the readers. But not all of your questions are answered, some answers are left to future publications. The third book in the series, The Sisterhood has been in the works for months now and I have already started working on the fourth, Elizabeth Rose. As always, I have tried to incorporate Wiccan principles within the manuscript but this is still a work of fantasy. If you like sexy Vampyres and Witches, steamy love scenes and realistic character studies your gonna love White Magick!
Posted by Janus Gangi at 4:31 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Rune for the day
Rune for the Day.
Nauþiz : need, necessity
Divinatory Meanings:
Poverty, hardship, responsibility, discontent, obstacle, frustration
Magickal Uses:
To represent a need to be filled
Posted by Janus Gangi at 3:16 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Rune for the Day.
Berkana : birch
Divinatory Meanings:
Fertility, health, new beginnings, growth, conception, plenty, clearance
Magickal Uses:
Healing (especially infections), achieving conception, making a fresh start
Posted by Janus Gangi at 2:44 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
rune for the day
Rune for the Day.
Burisaz: Giant
Divinatory Meanings:
Hardship, painful event, discipline, Knowledge, introspection, focus.
Magickal Uses:
Aid in study and meditation, self discipline, clearing out a bad situation.
Posted by Janus Gangi at 4:46 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Monday, February 15, 2010
here are some links
Posted by Janus Gangi at 3:56 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Rune for the Day.
Raioo: Journey
Divinatory Meanings:
Journey, pilgrimage, change, destiny, quest
Magickal Uses:
Protection for travelers, to ease or bring about change, to reconnect.
Posted by Janus Gangi at 3:55 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Rune for the Day
Just for fun I thought I would include some fun fact about runes.
What’s a rune? Runes are an ancient Germanic alphabet, used for writing, divination and magick. They were used throughout northern Europe, Scandinavia, the British Isles, and Iceland from about 100 B.C.E. to 1600 C.E. You can find more information about runes if you click on the links tab.
Posted by Janus Gangi at 3:54 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Friday, February 12, 2010
Overview of the Stolen Moments Book Series
Providence is the realm in which Providence the Goddess of the Universe lives. When she created the Universe she created three realms. The Spiritual comprised of spirits demons angels and spirit guides. The Temporal comprised of all created living things and solid matter. The Magickal comprised of generational witches, elves, sprites and wizards. After a great civil war between the Vampyres there was split between the clans, the Vampires and the Vampyres. The Vampires claimed their right to chose their own prey and that included humans. Vincent Blair the King of the Vampyres signed a treaty with the Goddess of the Universe and one of the provisions of the treaty was the Goddesses beautiful daughter Sehkmet’s hand in marriage. Together with other supernatural beings and humans Elizabeth and Vincent are agents of Providence heavens police force. Together they are assigned to missions to maintain the balance of the Universe. Incorporated in the text is Wiccan theology, spells and psychic occult practices.
After one of their most important missions Vincent disappears. Elizabeth is left to carry on by herself. She is assigned to the Spiritual Realm where she takes on the job of a Walk-In. Stolen Moments introduces the reader to the adventures of our two heroes, their nemesis Veronica Eisine and her minions’ of demons and the history of the two Vampyre clans. There is Romance, intrigue, and supernatural battles. Stolen Moments is a love story that spans the test of time. When Elizabeth is given a new assignment a handsome actor named David Contour turns her world upside down. The book uses flashback to help fit all the puzzle pieces together and to reveal the most astonishing surprise of Elizabeth’s life.
Stolen Moments is the first in a series of books about the agents of Providence and their adventures. It is also an introduction to the world of Magick and Wicca. For newcomers to the world of Magick it will be a learning experience and for those who are familiar to the practice of the Magickal arts it will be like a home coming.
Posted by Janus Gangi at 4:58 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
I would like to take this time to welcome you to my blog, and to give you an overview of what to expect in the upcoming posts. First and foremost you will be able to find out information about the Stolen Moments book series. Such as publishing dates, book signings, and upcoming events. I will include an overview of the book series. Brief descriptions of each of the books and when they will be available will also be included.
Stolen Moments is a fantasy novel about the lives and loves of our two heroes Elizabeth Rose, a witch and daughter of the Goddess of the Universe, and her husband Vincent Blair, the King of the Vampyres. Along with other friends and family of the Magickal community. Often times there is a blur between fact and fiction pertaining to Magick and Witchcraft. In some respects they are romanticized and in others they are taken out of context. I enjoy a good fantasy novel as much as the next person but they are not to be taken as manuals to learn the art of witchcraft and should not be used as such. Although there are many aspects of Wicca in my books my books are still fantasy and regarded as such. If anything, I would hope that my books inspire those readers, who have an interest in the subject, to do some good old fashion research and learn the truth about Wicca. Wicca is very close to my heart and a very rewarding lifestyle for myself. Wicca is a vast subject that one can take a life time learning. I am continuously researching and studying even though I have been a witch for quite some time now. With that in mind I would like to post topics that deal with the different aspects of Magick and then hopefully, through your comments learn some more or set the record straight. But I don’t want you to think that this blog is going to be a heavy. I also love to talk about other book series and authors. After all if something is not fun why would anyone want to participate? So, here is the overview of the book series and I’ll be posting my first topic soon.
Blessed Be
Posted by Janus Gangi at 3:48 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick