Stolen Glances
Moving quickly through the airport was not a problem. After departing
from the plane, it was a straight run from that gate to the departing gate of fl ight
427. Flanked on both sides by her escorts, she could see the crowd of fans and
paparazzi waiting for the plane’s passengers to emerge from the gate exit into the
terminal. Waiting family members and friends of the not so important were held
behind a rope, by the airport security. The gate was in clear view. He would be
accompanied by bodyguards, in the event a crazed fan would want more than a
smile and a wave.
Airport security heightened since 911, gave a false sense of security, which
weapons and suspicious characters were under check. None of them could
possibly have a chance against the coming attack. The coming onslaught was
from a world that shouldn’t exist, a world of Magick and fairy tales. The coming
threat counted on that.
The cards confi rmed it, and the visions laid out the attack. There was nothing
left to do, except to place herself in the direct line of fi re, and countermine
the attack with a protection spell. Her long black cloak and her obviously large
companions drew no attention. She simply blended in, as if invisible, with the
many travelers from the different places of the planet. Her strange clothing could
be no more than ethnic.
She arrived just in time. The fl ashing cameras and screaming fans announced
his arrival; he raised his hands and smiled. As he stepped out of the gate, she
strategically placed herself between him and the large dark Shadows that
emerged from the crowd. There was an electric charge through the crowd, as
his beautiful face shone in appreciation. No one else was aware of her presence
except him. At fi rst, she was no more that just another fan, but as she turned
her back to him, his curiosity was peeked. She removed her elbow length gloves
to reveal the mystic symbols that adorned her arms and hands. She raised them
and quietly began to chant the spell, just as the fi rst pulsating wave of the attack
rippled through the air.
Nut and Geb
We call three
One time Neith
Protection be
Two-time Jupiter
Give us power
Three time blue moon
In this hour
Her companions transformed into wolves, and lunged forward with fi erce
growls as the scent of the attackers fi lled the room. An energy pulse was unleashed
from the raised hands of the two dark Shadows in the far end of the terminal.
They were in pursuit, of the now terror-stricken attackers, who realized their
destruction was eminent.
He raised his eyes just in time to witness, what the rest of the crowd was blind to
see. However, how could he see the attack? Was there more behind those ice blue eyes
than just sparkle? Once the pulse decimated, she lowered her hood and turned to
see if he was all right. It was then, that he saw her. She was the most beautiful woman
he had ever seen. His eyes were locked, as she glanced at him, and then turned and
walked away. It was too late for him. He had become a prisoner to her beauty.
Copyright © 2010 by Janus Gangi.
To order additional copies of this book, contact:
Xlibris Corporation
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Sneek Peek!!!!!!
Posted by Janus Gangi at 11:43 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Rune for the day
Rune for the Day.
Sowulo : sun
Divinatory Meanings:
Success, positive energy, increase, power, activity, fertility, health
Magickal Uses:
Energy, strength, success, healing, fertility
Posted by Janus Gangi at 7:33 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Monday, February 22, 2010
Stolen Moments has joined Wiccan Together!
I have created my own page, but you will be able to
find good reliable info about Wicca there.
Posted by Janus Gangi at 7:12 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Rune dor the day
Ansuz : Odin
Divinatory Meanings:
Authority figure, leader, mind & body balance, justice, shaman, clairvoyant
Magickal Uses:
For wise decisions, success, leadership; to help in divination and magic
Posted by Janus Gangi at 6:20 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Lady So Divine Video by Shinedown - MySpace Video
Posted by Janus Gangi at 2:46 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Shinedown - Save Me Video by ERIC - MySpace Video
Posted by Janus Gangi at 2:38 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Rune for the Day.
Hagalaz : hail
Divinatory Meanings:
Sudden loss, ordeal, destruction, disaster, clearance, testing, karmic lesson, drastic change.
Magickal Uses:
Removing unwanted influences, breaking destructive patterns
Posted by Janus Gangi at 6:13 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Rune for the day
Rune for the Day.
Algiz : protection
Divinatory Meanings:
Protection, assistance, defense, warning, support, a mentor, an ethical dilemma
Magickal Uses:
For protection, hunting
Posted by Janus Gangi at 1:57 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Friday, February 19, 2010
White Magick update
Now that Stolen Moments is at the galleys, it’s time to start filling you in on White Magick, the next book in the Stolen Moments Book Series. Whereas Stolen Moments was the introduction to the series main characters and an overview of the world of Providence. White Magick has a more intricate story line and makes Stolen Moments look tame. White Magick addresses the controversial topic of drug abuse in today’s society and how it is viewed within the different realms of Providence. There are some scenes that may be disturbing to a younger audience and so that is why the entire book series is considered adult content. For those Elizabeth and Vincent fans you’ll still get enough romance but don’t be surprised if you need a cold shower afterward. The introduction to new characters keep the book interesting, and a deeper look into the psyche of Veronica Eisine, our black witch we love to hate, promise to keep the series interesting and appealing enough to the readers. But not all of your questions are answered, some answers are left to future publications. The third book in the series, The Sisterhood has been in the works for months now and I have already started working on the fourth, Elizabeth Rose. As always, I have tried to incorporate Wiccan principles within the manuscript but this is still a work of fantasy. If you like sexy Vampyres and Witches, steamy love scenes and realistic character studies your gonna love White Magick!
Posted by Janus Gangi at 4:31 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Rune for the day
Rune for the Day.
NauĆ¾iz : need, necessity
Divinatory Meanings:
Poverty, hardship, responsibility, discontent, obstacle, frustration
Magickal Uses:
To represent a need to be filled
Posted by Janus Gangi at 3:16 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Rune for the Day.
Berkana : birch
Divinatory Meanings:
Fertility, health, new beginnings, growth, conception, plenty, clearance
Magickal Uses:
Healing (especially infections), achieving conception, making a fresh start
Posted by Janus Gangi at 2:44 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
rune for the day
Rune for the Day.
Burisaz: Giant
Divinatory Meanings:
Hardship, painful event, discipline, Knowledge, introspection, focus.
Magickal Uses:
Aid in study and meditation, self discipline, clearing out a bad situation.
Posted by Janus Gangi at 4:46 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Monday, February 15, 2010
here are some links
Posted by Janus Gangi at 3:56 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Rune for the Day.
Raioo: Journey
Divinatory Meanings:
Journey, pilgrimage, change, destiny, quest
Magickal Uses:
Protection for travelers, to ease or bring about change, to reconnect.
Posted by Janus Gangi at 3:55 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Rune for the Day
Just for fun I thought I would include some fun fact about runes.
What’s a rune? Runes are an ancient Germanic alphabet, used for writing, divination and magick. They were used throughout northern Europe, Scandinavia, the British Isles, and Iceland from about 100 B.C.E. to 1600 C.E. You can find more information about runes if you click on the links tab.
Posted by Janus Gangi at 3:54 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
Friday, February 12, 2010
Overview of the Stolen Moments Book Series
Providence is the realm in which Providence the Goddess of the Universe lives. When she created the Universe she created three realms. The Spiritual comprised of spirits demons angels and spirit guides. The Temporal comprised of all created living things and solid matter. The Magickal comprised of generational witches, elves, sprites and wizards. After a great civil war between the Vampyres there was split between the clans, the Vampires and the Vampyres. The Vampires claimed their right to chose their own prey and that included humans. Vincent Blair the King of the Vampyres signed a treaty with the Goddess of the Universe and one of the provisions of the treaty was the Goddesses beautiful daughter Sehkmet’s hand in marriage. Together with other supernatural beings and humans Elizabeth and Vincent are agents of Providence heavens police force. Together they are assigned to missions to maintain the balance of the Universe. Incorporated in the text is Wiccan theology, spells and psychic occult practices.
After one of their most important missions Vincent disappears. Elizabeth is left to carry on by herself. She is assigned to the Spiritual Realm where she takes on the job of a Walk-In. Stolen Moments introduces the reader to the adventures of our two heroes, their nemesis Veronica Eisine and her minions’ of demons and the history of the two Vampyre clans. There is Romance, intrigue, and supernatural battles. Stolen Moments is a love story that spans the test of time. When Elizabeth is given a new assignment a handsome actor named David Contour turns her world upside down. The book uses flashback to help fit all the puzzle pieces together and to reveal the most astonishing surprise of Elizabeth’s life.
Stolen Moments is the first in a series of books about the agents of Providence and their adventures. It is also an introduction to the world of Magick and Wicca. For newcomers to the world of Magick it will be a learning experience and for those who are familiar to the practice of the Magickal arts it will be like a home coming.
Posted by Janus Gangi at 4:58 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick
I would like to take this time to welcome you to my blog, and to give you an overview of what to expect in the upcoming posts. First and foremost you will be able to find out information about the Stolen Moments book series. Such as publishing dates, book signings, and upcoming events. I will include an overview of the book series. Brief descriptions of each of the books and when they will be available will also be included.
Stolen Moments is a fantasy novel about the lives and loves of our two heroes Elizabeth Rose, a witch and daughter of the Goddess of the Universe, and her husband Vincent Blair, the King of the Vampyres. Along with other friends and family of the Magickal community. Often times there is a blur between fact and fiction pertaining to Magick and Witchcraft. In some respects they are romanticized and in others they are taken out of context. I enjoy a good fantasy novel as much as the next person but they are not to be taken as manuals to learn the art of witchcraft and should not be used as such. Although there are many aspects of Wicca in my books my books are still fantasy and regarded as such. If anything, I would hope that my books inspire those readers, who have an interest in the subject, to do some good old fashion research and learn the truth about Wicca. Wicca is very close to my heart and a very rewarding lifestyle for myself. Wicca is a vast subject that one can take a life time learning. I am continuously researching and studying even though I have been a witch for quite some time now. With that in mind I would like to post topics that deal with the different aspects of Magick and then hopefully, through your comments learn some more or set the record straight. But I don’t want you to think that this blog is going to be a heavy. I also love to talk about other book series and authors. After all if something is not fun why would anyone want to participate? So, here is the overview of the book series and I’ll be posting my first topic soon.
Blessed Be
Posted by Janus Gangi at 3:48 PM 0 Dedicated to the love of magick