Friday, February 19, 2010

White Magick update

Now that Stolen Moments is at the galleys, it’s time to start filling you in on White Magick, the next book in the Stolen Moments Book Series. Whereas Stolen Moments was the introduction to the series main characters and an overview of the world of Providence. White Magick has a more intricate story line and makes Stolen Moments look tame. White Magick addresses the controversial topic of drug abuse in today’s society and how it is viewed within the different realms of Providence. There are some scenes that may be disturbing to a younger audience and so that is why the entire book series is considered adult content. For those Elizabeth and Vincent fans you’ll still get enough romance but don’t be surprised if you need a cold shower afterward. The introduction to new characters keep the book interesting, and a deeper look into the psyche of Veronica Eisine, our black witch we love to hate, promise to keep the series interesting and appealing enough to the readers. But not all of your questions are answered, some answers are left to future publications. The third book in the series, The Sisterhood has been in the works for months now and I have already started working on the fourth, Elizabeth Rose. As always, I have tried to incorporate Wiccan principles within the manuscript but this is still a work of fantasy. If you like sexy Vampyres and Witches, steamy love scenes and realistic character studies your gonna love White Magick!

0 Dedicated to the love of magick: